Back to School
January 2023
During the month of January, we were able to provide bulk supplies to school kids in Cherokee, Cobb, Douglas and Paulding County. A total of twenty elementary schools in our four-county area received supplies to distribute to children in need via the school Guidance Counselors. A photo gallery will be added soon.
December 2021
During the month of December we were able to provide bulk supplies to schools in our service area of Cherokee, Cobb, Douglas and Paulding Co. A total of Twenty-Four elementary schools in our four counties supplies to help with student needs. These supplies will be distributed to children in need via each schools Guidance Counselors.

November 2020
This year was much different from past years due to Covid restrictions and students not returning to school till the middle of October. During the month of November we were able to provide supplies to schools in our service area of Cherokee, Cobb, Douglas and Paulding Co. Six elementary schools in each of the counties received supplies to help with student needs. Our hope is in 2021 we can return to some normalcy with the schools and do bigger and better things for them.

September 2019
The following schools received supplies during our September Event:
Oak Grove Elementary, Clark Creek Elementary, R.M Moore Elementary, Hasty Elementary, Woodstock Elementary, Johnston
Elementary, Arnold Mill Elementary and Bascomb Carmel Elementary in Cherokee County. -
Hiram Elementary, Baggett Elementary, Nebo Elementary, Dugan Elementary and Dallas Elementary in Paulding County.
Sweetwater Elementary, Lithia Springs Elementary, Bright Star Elementary, Burnett Elementary and Factory Shoals Elementary in Douglas County.
Austell Elementary, Compton Elementary, Birney Elementary, Clarkdale Elementary, Clay Elementary, Kennesaw Methodist Children’s Academy, Milford Elementary, Riverside Elementary K-1, Riverside Elementary 2-5, and Powders Springs Elementary in Cobb County
This year we sent a special shipment of school supplies to Ridgedale Elementary in Morgantown West Virginia. It is the sixth picture in our gallery.